Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Obsessive Much? Yes, yes I am.

I just can't seem to help myself whenever I start a project I am consumed from start to finish. Latest obsession? The Lorax Room Makeover Extravaganza! Please be kind- I have never, ever, not in a million years, picked up a paintbrush and painted a picture. Ceilings? Check. Walls? Check. Picture? Nope. 

Started with this one...

Decided it was boring and so I sorta copied a page from the book and started adding color.

Not sure if I love this green. More later...

And we have Truffula Trees and Humming Fish!

Finished up some Bar-ba-loot Bears and added another layer of lighter green. Still not happy with the grass.

I repainted the green for the third and final time. And guess what? I think I love it! 

Now, this was only one of the art projects in the works. We also painted The Lorax himself, made "real" Truffula Trees, SwammeSwans, and we are currently working on Bar-ba-loot Bears. More pictures to follow, assuming my head stops pounding at some point. Prolly all the paint fumes.