Step 1. Get an old cardboard box from the basement. I mean, find one somewhere cause I definitely don't still have a huge pile of boxes left over from moving sitting down there. Totally took those to the recycling center AGES ago...
Outline the shape your're trying to make, in this case a Swomee-Swan.
Step 2. Use a razor blade to cut out the shape. Be very careful not to slip and take out the Punky Assistant working with you. Even if she is giving you a major headache.
You should end up with something kinda like this.
Step 3. Turn you Punky Assistant loose with the paint. Fingers crossed that none winds up on the rug :)
See? No reason to be scared! Another piece of cardboard (that somehow found its way back to my house from the recycling center) keeps the rug SAFE.
Step 4. Commandeer all paintbrushes, paints, and painting related materials and add some "finish work" to said Swommee-Swan.
Step 5. Repeat process until Punky Assistant thinks she has adequate numbers of Swommee-Swans plastered on her walls.